Claims Management


We’re your advocate, providing assistance through the entire claims process.

We’re by your side every step of the way


We will be fully-involved with your claims from opening to closure serving as a liaison with insurers, adjusters and repair facilities.


Woman talking to client at desk. Woman talking to client at desk.

Proactive Mitigation

  • Establish loss adjusting procedures to include reserve and settlement authority levels
  • Review losses for reserve accuracy prior to letters of credit review by carriers
  • Hold monthly review of loss experience
  • Conduct claim review meetings with emphasis on reserve reduction and file closure
  • Provide frequency and severity trending and analysis

Strategies for claims management


  • Litigation management and plan for claims resolution
  • Assistance in subrogation recoveries
  • Facilitate selection of third-party administrators and other service providers


Workers at meeting looking at a presentation. Workers at meeting looking at a presentation.