Email scams, known as phishing, are on the rise across the nation. While the majority of businesses have data security measures in place to prevent cybercrimes, there are additional measures that companies can implement to avoid becoming the victim of a phishing attack.
The goal of phishing is to gain access to bank, financial or email accounts. Your employees play a key role in protecting your company’s data. Review the following tips with your employees to help ensure they are taking precautions also:
- Be wary of unsolicited emails where you are asked to verify or confirm confidential business account information. Never click on links in unsolicited emails.
- Use multi-factor authentication when possible to protect accounts. This will make it harder for scammers to try to log in to an account.
- Verify changes in account numbers or payment procedures via phone call or face-to-face with a trusted person from the company making the request. Never use or trust email as a verification tool.
- Use passwords that will be difficult to guess and that exceed the minimum requirements. Never share passwords with other employees.
- When conducting financial transactions, be certain to only use a valid, trusted website, such as or an online banking platform like myTrustmark® Business.
At Trustmark, we believe the privacy and security of our customers’ information is of utmost importance. We will never request confidential information via email or phone. However, we may ask you for your information to verify your identity if you call us. If you receive any unsolicited emails or phone calls allegedly from Trustmark requesting confidential information, contact us immediately at 800.243.2524, Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. CT.
We also encourage you to review your daily transactions within online banking or your monthly account statements promptly upon receipt and notify us as soon as possible if you detect anything unusual.