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February 17, 2022
Financial Freedom

Online and Mobile Banking Safety: Strong Usernames and Passwords


Online and mobile banking is one of many advantages of living in a world that has transitioned digitally. The ability to deposit checks, transfer money, make loan payments and check account balances is available at your fingertips without ever stepping foot into a bank. And while online banking is convenient and has made our lives easier, it has also put users at risk of internet crimes, such as identity theft, fraud and account hacking.



Protect your information


Hackers all over the world are trying to gain access to your personal information. The first step in keeping your information safe is to create a strong username and password. Millions of people are still using passwords such as “12345,” “qwerty” and “password”, which makes it easy for hackers to access the users’ personal information.

When you create a username and password for online banking, or any other online account, keep these guidelines in mind:

  • Create strong usernames/login IDs and passwords by using a mixture of upper and lowercase letters, numbers and special characters
  • Do not create passwords containing your initials or birthday
  • Change your passwords periodically
  • Memorize your passwords instead of writing them down


myTrustmark®, Trustmark’s online and mobile banking platform, has additional login security features that can help protect your account. You may enable Touch ID, fingerprint login or Face ID to make your account even more secure. These features within myTrustmark will automatically save your information and can log you in and authenticate payments or transfers using your fingerprint or facial recognition technology.

Keep your account information safe by using these guidelines and the tools available through myTrustmark. Learn more about the security features and benefits of myTrustmark today!




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