Can a request be submitted directly to a Trustmark associate?
All requests are to be submitted through the online portal.
When is the best time to submit an application for consideration?
Applications may be submitted at any time.
How will I know my application was received?
A confirmation email will be sent once an application is received.
How long does it take for a proposal to be reviewed?
Once all necessary information is provided by the requesting organization, responses are generally provided within 6-8 weeks.
How will I know if my application was approved?
Requests that are approved will be confirmed by email or contact from a Trustmark associate.
How long will it take to receive funds?
Once an application is approved, funds can be direct deposited into an account within approximately 2 weeks. If the funds are mailed via check, allow up to 4 weeks for mailing.
How does Trustmark determine what requests will be approved?
Approval is based upon many factors, including meeting eligibility requirements, providing all requested documentation, overall impact of the funding and Trustmark’s available resources.
Can an organization submit a request for more than one event per calendar year?
Yes. If an organization is planning more than one event, we prefer to receive one package request per calendar year.
Does all requested documentation need to be included, even if the request is for a small amount?
Yes. All requested information is necessary to process the request.
For additional information, email us at